Jay's Model Art
Detail Showcase

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Unfortunately, Peter Jackson's (Lord of the Rings) model making company Wingnut Wings went into liquidation after producing a magnificent and comprehensive range of 32nd scale WW1 subjects, of which the Sopwith Pup, pictured here, was one of the last.
All of these kits featured magnificently detailed cockpits as standard which deserved careful painting.
Airfix 1/48 Supermarine Walrus
The kit contains awesome interior detail as standard, most of which is invisible once the hull is closed
Also used on this model was Eduard's PE detail set.
Thunder Model's 1/35 Scammel Pioneer featured wonderful detail throughout. Unfortunately much of the chassis was rendered invisible once the kit was completed.

Detailing a cockpit is easy when the kit manufacturer includes as standard everything you need within the kit. Eduard goes one better, however, and despite the quality of their kit cockpits, their aftermarket resin replacements are even better. Pictured here is one such resin replacements for their 1/48th Messerschmitt Bf109G-6.
I have lost track of the number of these I have made, but they never get boring.

This example of Eduard's 1/48 Focke Wulf FW190 cockpit is a good example of what the Czech manufacturer includes within their 'ProfiPak' kits as standard. The PE control panel, levers and harness are all included without recourse to aftermarket accessories.

Eduard produces a complete range of interior detailing sets including cockpits, engines, armament and this rear fuselage radio set.for their 1/48 Messerschmitt Bf109E. Unfortunately, even with the small fuselage access panel removed, the detail is barely visible.

Eduard's Messerschmitt Bf109G-6. This is their early, slightly flawed kit, featuring the Czech manufacturers resin engine set, underwing cannon detail set and metal undercarriage legs. The cockpit will be similar to that pictured above.

Eduard's Focke Wulf Fw190
with the addition of that companies resin cockpit, engine and wing-mounted gun bays.

Tamiya's 48th scale Bristol Beaufighter TF. X featuring the Aires cockpit detail set

This is the special edition 'Neo Smart Kit' featuring bonus interior
components for the hull and turret. Additional details were scratch built to give a more complete feel for the photographs which appeared in Airfix Model World magazine.
Dragon's Pz.Kpfw.III Ausf M. Kursk 1943

There is always a lot of necessary work undertaken when building an AFV that remains all but unseen when the model is finished. Seen here is the chassis and engine detail of Dragon Model's Flak 36 commissioned by Airfix Model World magazine.